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Ouest Américain - 1024x768 - Nikon Coolpix 995

The Wave Coyote butte north

Goblin Valley State Parc

old Paria Utah

Monument valley

Monument Drive Monument Valley

kodachrome basin state parc

Sedona Cathedral Rocks

magnifique route SR 12

Sedona en Arizona

Yellowstone Morning Glory

Monument valley artist point

The Wave 2 Coyote butte north

Grand Prismatic yellowstone

Grand Teton national Parc

Monument Valley

lac Powell wawheap marina

Couchez de soleil sur le Grand Canyon

Couchez de soleil sur la Goblin Valley

Bryce canyon Queen's Angel


The Wave Coyote butte north

lac Powell Arizona

lever de soleil sur Monument Valley

The Wave - Coyote butte North

Zion national parc

En route pour lees ferry

Monument valley - Arizona

Monment valley les 3 soeurs

Soleil couchant sur la Goblin Valley

Grand canyon rive sud

The Wave Coyote butte north

Highway 163 pour Monument Valley

Bryce Canyon Queen's Garden

The Mittens Monument Valley

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